Small pond and a frog - how to create a small frog pond | kids stories | CISNewsStudio1s

2023-11-25 9

Small pond and a Frog | Story | Kids Stories | CISNewsStudio1s

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There used to in a frog in a small pond. That frog never went out of that pond. There was a river nearby. One day the water of this river rose and a river frog came into its pond. When the small pond frog saw the river frog in his pond, he asked the river frog who he is and how did he come here? He replied, "I am a river frog." When the river went up, it flowed with it and came to this pond. The frog in this pond had never seen a world without a pond. So spoke to this river frog! What is a river? The river frog replied the river is very big. The pond frog laughed at him and said with a gesture of his hand, "Is the river so big?" The river frog said no, river is bigger than that. The frog in the pond then said with a slightly bigger hand gesture, "Is river that big?" The river frog said no, bigger than that. Once again, the pond frog mockingly said to the river frog, "Is river this big?" The river frog said again! No, there is an even bigger. The frog of the pond opened his hand with a full hand gesture and asked. The river frog said no, bigger than that. Now the frog of the pond got tired and accusingly said, "Is the river bigger than this pond?" The river frog said yes, the river is bigger than the pond. The foolish frog of the pond immediately said, why are you lying, there is something bigger than the pond. The river frog looked at him silently and went back.

Lesson from the Story
We should not proud on our knowledge and should not try to disgrace any one.

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